Author name: cms

Healthcare Technology

I-Kshana : Remote and real time monitoring system for people in need of special care

The project IKSHANA mainly deals with helping the children who need to be monitored continuously. This real time monitoring system will monitor the mental health of children and elderly and also determine their vitals and provide them the necessary help. It is mainly designed to help the specially abled kids who should be under constant watch. If they are left alone, they can damage things and harm themselves to seek attention of their guardians. Hence, if they are continuously monitored by use of camera and AI when they start to act aggressively. Parents can look after their kids or even elder people who require continuous monitoring. Their health report will be automatically sent to concerned doctor so that they can track their health. There is also provision of video monitoring so that parents or care givers can talk and calm them down. Cloud storage involves stashing data on hardware in a remote physical location, which can be accessed from any device. Cloud storage systems generally encompass hundreds of data servers linked together by a master control server, but the simplest system might involve just one. The AI-enabled device in this can measure movements, sleep patterns, and vital signs of the patient. What is unique about the device is that it radiates about a thousand times less radiation than from a mobile phone thus can be extremely user and health friendly.

Healthcare Technology

Neural Network Based Object Recognition System Using Stereo Images

The conventional methods that perform object recognition use image processing to detect edges and for pruning the image to remove the unwanted background. When object recognition is performed using image processing technique, the images in the database needs pre-processing. However, these are not dynamic and there is no learning or training involved. Convolutional Neural Networks are known for their image processing capabilities, in that no pre-processing is required before giving an image as input to them. Use of 2D images in object recognition may sometimes result in wrong classification. Since 3D images possess more information, use of such images will result in more reliable classification. In stereoscopic images, the depth information will separate the foreground from the background. his depth information is used as the 3rd dimension. Neural networks can analyze information the way human brain does. The main object of the invention is to provide a system for real time object recognition using stereoscopic images. It is another object of the invention to provide a system for real time object recognition using convolutional neural network, the said network utilizes three dimensional information obtained from stereoscopic image of the object.

Healthcare Technology

Assistive technology for intellectually disabled and physically challenged people

This project discusses various issues and challenges related to disability in India and emphasizes to strengthen health care and service to the disabled community. In a world where we have Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, Alexa and other voice assistive technologies, making the lives of normal people easier, we do not have any sort of such technology for people who are physically challenged or the temporary hospital inmates. Census report of 2011 (2016 updated) reveal that, 2.21% of the total Indian population are disabled. Putting that in numbers, 2.68 Crore people fall into the category. Hospital inmates too do not have an assistance device to inform their needs to the nurse in charge. Here, we present an assistive technology in the form of an embedded system solely focused to help physically challenged people and hospital patients communicate with their assistant for assistance, with just a push of a button. Upon pressing, the message is wirelessly transmitted to outside the room and is displayed on the TV. The same message will also be sent to the assistant in the form of a SMS in case he/she is not present in the vicinity of the TV, thereby ensuring that the services are not missed at any cost. The system uses ARM controller at the transmitter/user end and a Raspberry Pi at the receiver/assistant end. The wireless communication is achieved using zig-bee protocol.

Healthcare Technology

Oculographic System for Motor Neuron Disease Patient for Communication

Motor Neuron Disease is a medical condition where the motor neurons of the patient are paralyzed, due to which none of the voluntary actions can be performed. The main problem faced by these patients is that they cannot communicate. Thus in order to help these patients to communicate, this project develops an algorithm for the real time video Oculography system. The camera focuses on the eye of the patient and records the eye blink. The algorithm is written for the same and to convert eye blink to speech. The algorithm for converting eye blink to sentences is implemented in python software. The code is then fed to a Raspberry pi 3 microprocessor. The eye blink is detected using the web cam and the respective output is obtained as speech. Thus, the patient is able to communicate his basic needs with the outside world. The reason for using Raspberry Pi 3 is because of the WiFi /Bluetooth facility, CPU/GPU pair. This enables the implementation of the wireless Bluetooth speaker which can be placed anywhere around the patient. The caretaker need not be with the patient throughout. The use of currently trending components and coding makes it portable and user friendly. The future scope of this prototype is to implement in IOT. Along with the speech output, the operation will be performed in real time. This reduces the effort of the caretaker to assist the patient as he can perform the activities that he intends to on his own.

Healthcare Technology

Foot Pressure Sensor for Physiotherapy Applications

Foot plantar pressure is the pressure field that acts between the foot and the support surface during every day loco motor activities. Information derived from such pressure measures is important in gait and posture research for diagnosing lower limb problems, footwear designs, sport biomechanics, injury prevention and other applications. The project system is based on highly linear pressure sensors with no hysteresis. The development of miniature, lightweight, and energy efficient circuit solutions for healthcare sensor applications is an increasingly important research focus given the rapid technological advances in healthcare monitoring equipment, micro fabrication processes and wireless communication. Feet provide the primary surface of interaction with the environment during locomotion. Thus, it is important to diagnose the foot problems at an early stage for injury prevention, risk management and general well-being. One approach to measuring foot health, widely used in various applications, is examining foot plantar pressure characteristics. It is therefore, important that accurate and reliable foot plantar pressure measurement systems are developed.

Smart Technology

AI mirror for smart monitoring

The smart AI mirror integrates cutting-edge technology, featuring a thermal camera for temperature detection along with facial recognition and mask detection. The mirror not only enhances security by identifying individuals but also promotes safety by confirming mask usage. Additionally, it displays real-time temperature information that was mandatory during covid times. The project leverages AWS to efficiently manage and store a database, providing detailed check-in records, including the timestamp and user identification, ensuring a comprehensive and secure tracking system. It provides the information about a person/student’s attendance.

Smart Technology

Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

In mechanics, kinematics is the study of the motion of objects without regard to the forces that cause the motion. Dynamics is the study of how forces affect the motion of objects. Kinematics can be used to determine how a machine will move under given conditions. Dynamics can be used to determine what forces are required to produce a given amount of movement. In other words, kinematics is concerned with describing motion, while dynamics is concerned with explaining why motion occurs. Kinematics and dynamics are often studied together, as they are both necessary for a complete understanding of the behaviour of machines. Usually students of Mechanical Engineering find it very difficult to visualize the concept of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines even though they are shown the working model in the Lab. Center of Excellence at BNMIT tries to solve the above issue with the help of Ray Vector Technologies-an AR VR company. The ARVR Model of Kinematics and Dynamics helps the students understand the following in a visual manner : • Basics of machines, mechanisms, kinematic links and joints. • Mobility of a Mechanism and Calculating the Degrees of Freedom. • Inversions of a Four-bar Chain and Grashof’ s Law. • Inversions of a single slider crank chain – Quick Return Motion • Mechanisms, Rotary and Oscillating Cylinder Engine, Hand-Pump.

Smart Technology

Camera Traffic Generator

Camera Traffic Generator is a computer vision application designed to replicate real traffic scenarios, offering features like multi-camera feeds, video and image editing, and personalized workspaces. These functionalities enable rigorous testing and refinement of computer vision-based AI models, enhancing their adaptability in dynamic environments for safer autonomous systems.

Smart Technology

Reception Kiosk

Virtual reception can manage multiple visitors at once, big or small organisations, some with multiple entrances that may require more than one kiosk. Businesses that require that a health and safety form is read and signed. A photo may be required, a printed lanyard all of which is catered within the fantastic Virtual Reception offering.


Plant Simulator – Phase 2

The Plant Simulator (PS) is an IT infrastructure created to replicate the exact plant conditions and to enable both the CROP(s) and the Field Operator(s) (shortly referred to as FOP) to cooperate as they would do in reality, i.e. as a team. The PS allows for CROPs and FOPs to experience both rationally and emotionally the same situations they would live in reality in terms of process behavior and consequences originated by either nominal or abnormal operating conditions.

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